Step into the world of Forest Capital Museum State Park, where the rich history of forestry in Florida unfolds before your eyes. Embrace the legacy of the early 1800s as you explore the museum showcasing the significance of longleaf pines and the myriad products they have inspired. Wander beneath the majestic canopy of 50-year-old pines on the park grounds, offering a serene walking trail for your enjoyment. Venture back in time as you exit the museum to discover a traditional 19th-century cracker homestead, reminiscent of the dwellings that once graced Florida’s landscape. Let knowledgeable rangers guide you on interpretive tours during special events or by request. Take advantage of the park’s three charming covered pavilions, each accommodating up to 60 guests, for a memorable outdoor gathering. Welcome to Forest Capital Museum State Park – where nature and history come together in a harmonious celebration.